7 Benefits of Video Marketing for Businesses in San Diego

Photo by Austin Distel

Photo by Austin Distel

Are you thinking about incorporating video marketing into your overall strategy? Well, you’re not the only one. A whopping 83% of marketers now recognize the importance of video campaigns!

It’s no surprise either. After all, personal experience tells us just how engaging video content can be.

You only have to spend an hour watching cat videos on YouTube or binge-watching the latest Netflix series to experience it first-hand! As visual creatures, video captures our attention, stirs up emotions, and gets us hooked to the screen like nothing else.

And that’s good news for marketers.

Want to find out how you stand to gain from dipping your toes into this lucrative marketing channel? Keep reading to discover 7 primary benefits of video marketing.

1. It Stimulates Engagement

Videos are an intoxicating combination of moving images, colors, and sounds. Like moths to a flame, you can’t help but want to watch them! This type of content isn’t just hard to ignore though- it’s compelling, emotive, and memorable too.

It makes you feel something, which then makes you want to like it, share it, and learn more about whoever made it. That’s an almighty boon for any marketing campaign- especially those with limited budgets that rely heavily on organic interactions.

2. It’s Great for Branding

We don’t have to remind you how important branding is to business success. In a competitive world, this is what differentiates your company from the rest. Having a strong brand makes you attractive, memorable, and trustworthy to your target audience.

A solid video marketing strategy provides the perfect way to build it.

After all, the visual nature of the medium means you don’t have to tell the world who you are, you can show it instead. You can get across your message and reveal your USP in creative ways. Better still, you can rely on the engaging nature of videos to compel people to hit the ‘share’ button and distribute your business for free.

3. It Develops Trust

Relationships and trust are at the heart of business these days. Consumers no longer fall for slick sales tactics or want to hear why your product’s better than the competition’s- they want to know you and to feel a kinship with the brand.

Only then can you expect a customer to make a purchase.

Video marketing comes into play here too. In the same way that it can grow your brand, videos offer a powerful method of demonstrating your personality and letting people get to know you. A single video that resonates with your audience can develop a relationship that would otherwise take weeks or months.

Photo by Carlos Muza

Photo by Carlos Muza

4. It Drives Traffic

Targeted traffic’s the lifeblood of all online endeavors and a crucial determinant of success. That’s why you can never have enough of it as a digital marketer! It just so happens that the need for traffic’s another reason to invest in video marketing. Here’s why:

First and foremost, Google now ranks video content on SERPs- often favoring it over standard posts and pages. The same rules of SEO apply to ranking your vids, which will then generate views and drive traffic to your site. Throw in the power of social shares and the organic distribution that goes with it and you can see the potential of video as a traffic source.

5. It Generates Revenue

What happens when you combine attention, engagement, traffic, and trust? Revenue- that’s what happens. Video conversions and sales are through the roof, which means your campaigns are sure to generate income for your business.

For example, putting an engaging video on a landing page tends to increase dwell time, which boosts your conversion rate as a result. As we've seen, videos also put your products in front of more people, build brand awareness, and cultivate a relationship with your target audience; you can show off your products/services, detail your mission/message, and trigger peoples’ emotions. Each outcome is a major help when it comes to making sales.

6. It’s Ideal Content Marketing Material

Video offers a practical advantage too. Basically, in a world where you can never create enough content, you can leverage it to skyrocket the amount you publish online. How?

Well, with a bit of work you can take a video and do two things: 1) strip the audio from it and 2) create a transcript of whatever’s said. All of a sudden you’ve now got audio for a new ‘podcast’ and an article to publish on your blog. You could even chop the video up and release clips with the ‘best bits’ or key points of interest.

In other words, one video can be turned into endless amounts of content. This broadens your reach, opens up new channels of engagement, and stands to generate newfound levels of brand awareness.

Photo by Afif Kasuma

Photo by Afif Kasuma

7. It’s What Consumers Want

Ultimately, video delivers an amazing ROI because it’s what people want to see. Traditional marketing methods (such as email blasts, newsletters, and blog posts) are all seeing a decline in engagement, but people can’t get enough of video. Just check out the numbers: users consume over a billion hours of it every day on YouTube alone.

Creating your own marketing videos means you can get a slice of that action. If the content’s good enough, then people will happily watch it, share it, and follow your CTA.

Reap the Rewards of Video Marketing

Content’s king in today’s digital world. Look carefully, though, and you soon realize that not all types of content are made equal. These days, with a mobile phone in our pockets and an insatiable need for entertainment, it’s video that rules the roost.

Whether it’s on Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, or TikTok, people now watch more videos than ever before. And that’s the precise reason video marketing has become such a big deal for someone who wants to put their products or services in front of people. Hopefully, this post has revealed exactly why it’s so advantageous and convinced you to give it a go.

Would you like support from a video production company for your upcoming marketing campaigns? We can help! Contact us today to find out how.

Ryan Brown