Tips for Video Producers Operating During COVID-19


Video producers have a tough job made tougher because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are video production tips to help you keep producing content safely.

A cartoon image of a film or movie set with actors and producers.

Have you ever considered having a commercial or other film made? This may be for business purposes or personal creativity. It can even document an important event.

It’s important that you hire a professional video production company to ensure a quality product. If you want to learn more about filmmaking in 2020, keep reading. The production process has changed dramatically due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Producing Videos

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The video industry continues to grow in new and different directions. Did you know that 83% of businesses report that video improves their return on investment?

Hiring an expert video producer will improve the quality of your project exponentially. This individual is a masterful problem-solver. They optimize:

  • Pre-production planning

  • Managing the production and post-production process

  • Planning and working within the budget

  • Secure locations, permits, and studio time

  • Ensure on-set safety precautions are in place

  • Audition and interview cast and crew members

  • Help direct the cast during the production

Producers have the ultimate responsibility for the film's quality and success. Now, Video producers have a tougher job because of the ongoing pandemic. They must ensure that their staff, crew, and cast’s work environment mitigates the risk of COVID-19.

Impact of COVID-19 on the Video Production

The motion picture, television, and streaming production industry now follows COVID-19 guidelines. These rules come from the Industry-Wide Labor-Management Safety Committee Task Force (Task Force). The goal is to limit the spread of COVID-19.

The following describes the steps required by the Task Force to begin filming. This will help your video production operate safely during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Re-Opening Guidance

Each production company must follow the Roadmap to Recovery Framework. This includes receiving approval from local public health authorities to re-open.

A staged opening process may be recommended. For example, having some parts of the tasks completed before and after filming may have less risk. Thus, these departments can open first.

The safety of the entire cast and crew is the ultimate goal.

Compliance Officer

Each production company will name an autonomous COVID-19 Compliance Officer. They’ll receive training on safety compliance. This person will track and enforce all rules.

Diagnostic Testing

All employees must undergo routine testing for COVID-19 using the most effective testing protocols. Medical experts will provide guidance and advice throughout the production.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

The Task Force recommends that all employees use face-coverings. The employers must issue individual PPE to all employees. No one should ever share PPE.

A good faith effort must take place to protect cast and crew members who must work without PPE. Try changing current practices when possible to reduce risks.


All employees should maintain a 6-foot distance as often as possible. Create physical markings and separate work locations. Find alternatives for face-to-face meetings and the writers’ rooms.

Re-arrange video village to increase the space between individuals. The use of live audiences is currently discouraged.

The Task Force knows that physical distancing and PPE isn't always possible. They encourage making changes as possible to protect the cast and crew.

It is recommended that you give yourself enough time to plan your physical distancing strategy for each production. This may require extra set up and crew to accommodate. 

Hand Hygiene

Train all employees on proper hand hygiene. Post signs describing actions to limit the spread of COVID-19. Handwashing facilities with running water and soap must be located throughout the facility.

Make sure there’s hand sanitizer available when sinks aren't.

Disinfection of the Facility and Items

Increased disinfection protocols must be in place when the crew arrives. Cleaning crews must have training and supplies to follow public health rules. Some items need special considerations.

Props, Costumes, Wigs, and Other Special Accessories

It’s often difficult to clean wigs, costumes, and special props or accessories. Production companies must develop custom cleaning protocols for these items.

Hand props that can undergo routine disinfection must be cleaned prior to and after each use. All cast and crew that handles props must clean their hands before and after touching these items.

Equipment Used by Individuals

Individuals should receive their own headsets, tools, radios, walkie-talkies, and wearable microphones. This personal equipment increases the risk of viral exposure when used by many people.

Before and after assigning equipment to an individual, it must undergo disinfection. The guidelines also require cleaning of this equipment on a daily basis.

Be sure to follow all manufacturer instructions for cleaning equipment. This will protect electronics and other delicate items from becoming damaged.

Vehicle Disinfection

Steering wheels, controls, door handles, seatbelts, and armrests represent high-touch areas in vehicles. The guidelines strive to decrease viral spread by touching contaminated surfaces. Thus, everyone must pay attention to these surfaces as potential sources of transmission.

All these areas should undergo cleaning between use. Daily scheduled cleaning is also required.

Decrease the Use of Paper

Paper presents a possible source of viral spread. For this reason, the guidelines require production companies to limit the use of paper items. For example, use electronic equipment for:

  • Scripts

  • Sign in/Sign out

  • Crew lists

  • Call sheets

  • Production reports

  • Blueprints

Also, decrease the use of paper money and use plastic purchase cards. When paper use is unavoidable, assign the item to a specific person, and avoid sharing. Label the item with the person’s name to avoid mistakes.

Always perform hand hygiene after handling paper items.

Special Circumstances

Some cast and crew members can’t maintain physical distancing and perform their jobs. The Task Force recognizes this problem. They have outlined the following guidelines to provide the safest environment possible:

  • Control entrances to trailers and other work areas

  • Extend work time blocks to allow for safety protocols

  • Keep a 6-foot distance between cast and crew as much as possible

  • Change blocking, filming schedules, or use digital effects to maintain physical distancing

If an actor, for instance, requires multiple makeup artists to create an effect, have only one work with the actor at a time. Ensure physical distancing and use of PPE in all waiting or holding areas.

Do You Want Quality Video Production?

Are you a business owner who would like to advertise via TV commercials? Do you want a high-end video produced for your brand? Have you written a script that you would like turned into a movie?

This article discussed the changes now imposed on every video production to protect the employees. Blulight Films is a professional production company that understands and adheres to the Task Force guidelines.

Our professional staff knows how to produce videos for TV commercials, show pilots, movies, and more. Contact us today to discuss your project.


Call (833) 258-5444 or fill out the contact form below.


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