5 Benefits of Hiring a Professional Video Production Company

Photo by: Kal Visuals

Photo by: Kal Visuals

Did you know that video content is one of the fastest-growing methods of digital marketing? It is an excellent way to get your product or service out into the world, capturing the attention of clients and customers. However, it needs to be done correctly and professionally to have the right impact. 

A DIY method may work for some brands, but if you want high standards then you need to outsource your videos. Below, we give 5 reasons you need a video production company. 

Post Production Speed & Experience

Even if you do manage to film and record your own video, you still have to contend with post-production. This is a whole new skill set altogether, that requires expert knowledge and the ability to use a multitude of software programs. 

This process also takes a long time, and many underestimate how much work goes into it. It could take hours of work to edit the footage and add any post-production effects. Audio has to be matched up with the video, and all of the footage has to be looked through to take out any undesirable elements. 

If you get this wrong, you can also risk making the video look cheap and amateurish. No matter how good the quality of the shoot was, dated transitions and editing in the wrong places can make your video look less than professional. A corporate video production company speeds up the whole process by knowing what needs doing and having the experience to make it happen fast.


Access to the Best Video Production Equipment

While everyone now has access to video equipment through the use of devices and mobile phones, not everyone has access to high-quality equipment. Recording on your mobile phone gives a DIY quality to the production, with unsteady shots and erratic zooming. If this is the type of video you want and it works for your company then that is fine, but for many something more professional is needed. 

A corporate video production company will have a professional camera. This will get you better shots, with cleaner zooming and framing. In addition to this, they will also have the required stands, so anything taken is steady and not shaking.

Using the right lenses and additional camera equipment to get that perfect shot could cost thousands of dollars. Let the production company invest in those expenses so that as the client you can benefit from them.

If you are going to spend the time making a video, it will be wasted if you are aiming for professionalism without the right equipment. Your phone may be great for capturing general family and friend occasions, but not for professional video marketing purposes. 

Quality Sound

Sound is one of the most overlooked elements of productions and video commercials. Sound can add an awful lot to a video, giving the audience emotions and instructions that are often not seen on the screen. Just think of how they work in movies, adding to scenes and dialogue. 

This is no different in a video commercial. You need the sound to be just as well thought out and executed as the image itself. Remember, there are many people on set to capture the video element of a video and only one sound person. Sound is very important and should be taken very seriously.

Professionals will have the necessary equipment to make sure the sound recorded at the shoot is also of the highest quality. This will eliminate background noises that are distracting, and record voice in crystal clear audio definition. 

Once done, the sound needs mixing. Certain speakers and devices let specific frequencies through. While the sound may be great on your professional speakers, on a P.A. system at a conference it may not come across as well.

The video company will eliminate this, creating a sound mix that works well in a variety of situations. This will ensure your video production sounds professional wherever it is played. 

Professional Lighting Knowledge

Lighting is the key to a professional shoot. You need it to get the best shots from people, objects, and places. It can frame, and draw the eye to certain sections of the shot. 

The camera and the eye react very differently to light. For this reason, when doing a shoot, extra lighting should be added. Knowing what and how to add requires skill and extra equipment. 

If you have a product to sell, knowing how to light it properly is the key to making it look professional. A video marketing and production company will not only know how to light it but what mood to achieve when doing it. For example, high-end glitz and glamour lighting will be very different from a product that needs to look mysterious, mean, and moody. 

Getting the equipment to do this can also be expensive. It requires specific camera and lenses, expensive lights, stands, special bulbs, and filters, along with devices to reflect and disperse light. Unless you want this expenditure added to your production costs, it may be best to go with a company that already has it. 

It Gives You Time

Production and video marketing are a long, arduous process. It starts with the genesis of ideas. They then need realizing, and locations, sets, props, and actors need to be sourced along with the correct equipment. Once this is done, filming will take at least a day, followed by more days of post-production.

After this, you have to market the video itself. All of this is time that you could have spent working on what matters, which is your business. 

In addition to this, you will need to spend a lot more than you probably imagine. Renting cameras, sound and lighting equipment is not cheap. On top of this, you have locations to pay for, as well as people appearing in the video. 

A company will have all of this ready to go. They may even have their own set of locations in which they can film, or know excellent, low-cost places to do the recording. 

Hiring a San Diego Video Production Company

In summary, you need a professional company to save money, time and get the finish you want. Video production is a specialist skill that requires experience, equipment, and knowledge. If you don't have it, then you need to hire someone who does. 

Blu Light Films is a professional video production company in San Diego. Click here so we can transform your vision into reality starting today.

Ryan Brown