10 Ways to Get Your Promotional Video Spotted


What if you made an awesome video and nobody noticed?

In the age of digital marketing, it's the perfect time to create a promotional video. However, you're competing with so much other video content that it can be difficult to get spotted.

That's where we come in. Keep reading to discover 10 ways to get your promo video spotted!

1. Focus On Content

Internet users toss around the term "viral content" quite a bit. Make no mistake: you need to focus on the "content" part less than the "viral" part.

That's because making a video go "viral" is largely in the hands of users. There are steps you can take (we detail some of them below), but it mostly boils down to creating good content.

If it's good enough to make them care, it's good enough to make them share.

2. Quick Snippets

Think back to many of the more memorable Super Bowl ads. What do they have in common? They present content in quick little snippets.

You might have a very short video (such as a 15-second video optimized for Youtube). That means you only have 15 seconds to get their attention and get a reaction.

Long story "short?" You need to figure out the short snippets of contents your customers crave.

3. Know Your Demographic

Speaking of your customers, it is vitally important that you understand your demographic. If you don't know your audience, then this video was dead before it started.

The general age of your customers, for instance, will inform the music you use, the actors you hire, and the story you tell. Something that would be a nostalgic hit with Boomers may look quaint and old-timey to Millennials or Zoomers.

Fortunately, you don't have to reinvent the wheel. If you know what usually works for your audience, you can translate that to video.

4. Work With Influencers

What's the easiest way to create a viral video? Partner up with those who have previously created such videos!

You can work with popular online "influencers" to appeal to their fans and also learn from their ways. Alternatively, you can work with a professional production company that specializes in viral content.

Whoever you partner with, the "if you can't beat them, join them" approach is a great way to get your video content on the map.

5. Social Currency

As we said, nothing goes viral without excited users sharing your content. To get more people sharing, you must understand their motivation.

For example, people sharing your video want to receive some form of Social Currency. That means when they share it, they earn approval from their peers because they shared something that is amusing, innovative, or just remarkably weird.

In traditional advertising, we focus a lot on how our content will make the user feel. Making a successful video incorporates this while considering how it will make people feel to share that content.

6. Provoke Emotion

Speaking of how customers feel, the best viral videos are ones that provoke an emotion of some kind. That's why cute animal videos remain so popular: people feel an instant sense of warmth and happiness when they watch these videos.

Now we're not suggesting just filming your cute cat, putting it online, and now all of a sudden your video will go viral. Providing a consistent emotional connection to your audience is important. Whether you are making them laugh, sharing knowledge, or evoking the emotions for someone to take action on something, your videos should provide enough emotional value for them to be shared. 

Many videos go viral without the user intending them to do so. The famous "Chewbacca mom video" is a great example. She wasn't chasing fame, but the weirdness of the mask and the joy of her laughter made others very happy.

It can be difficult to both stand out and deliver a killer story. But if you can pull it off, your video will definitely get noticed.

7. Standing Out

Another common element of Super Bowl ads is that many are downright weird. Companies like Mountain Dew spend millions of dollars to unleash strange videos about the "Puppy Monkey Baby" on all of us.

Why this focus on the absurd? Because no video has ever gone viral without standing out.

With your own video, think about the competition and what a "normal" promotional video looks like. Your job is to find an angle that sets you apart while getting the world's attention.

People may share your video and ask "what the heck did I just watch?" But the important thing is that they shared it!

Big companies tend to have big budgets, but most do not. They start with minimal budgets so do what you can within your budget to make your video stand out.

8. Tell A Story

While it's difficult to do in a short video, the best videos tell us some kind of story. And it should be a story your audience can relate to.

Regardless of your product, think of the kinds of stories people love. Primal tales like "boy meets girl" work so well because they emotionally involve the audience.

Your characters should be archetypes your audience can relate to, and the story should have familiar elements they can understand. If they feel close to the characters and the narrative, they will feel that much closer to your company.

9. Tie to Current Events

With traditional marketing, we focus a lot on "evergreen" content. We usually want blogs and other content that users can enjoy now and five years from now.

Viral videos, though, are usually "of the moment." If you want your own video to go viral, you should find a way to tie it to current events.

Does that mean your video will seem dated over time? Sure. But the whole point is to parlay a viral video into major brand awareness that will lead to your longterm success.

You can always make more content. But a good viral video is how you get customers to notice your company in the first place.

10. Share Across Multiple Platforms

While nothing goes viral without enough people sharing it, you can boost your odds by sharing your video to multiple platforms.

Something may go viral on Reddit that was a dud on Facebook. Or something might take off on Twitter that barely made an impact on Instagram.

Pay attention to which platforms work best for your video content. This will help you customize future content and improve your odds of going viral.

Promotional Video Success: Who Can Help?

You've made your promotional video. You're ready to use this video to make a name for your company. But do you know who can help it go viral?

We are a production company that specializes in online video. No matter the size of your company, we're here to help you grow. To see how we can help put your company on the map and create promotional videos that are revenue driven, impactful, and shareable please contact us today!

Video ProductionRyan Brown